DrCarney.com Blog

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Is Diet Superior to Drugs in Lowering Blood Pressure?

Is Diet Superior to Drugs in Lowering Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure (hypertension) is the leading reason for patients to visit their doctors. It affects the majority of Americans over the age of 65. (Nearly 1 out of every 3 adults in the U.S. and roughly 37% of Americans suffer from prehypertension.) Because hypertension is associated with an increased risk of heart failure, stroke,...

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  11449 Hits

Can Two Tools Make Diet Change Easy?

Can Two Tools Make Diet Change Easy?

How to Make Changing Eating Habits Easy?We understand that change does not always come easy. This is especially true for dietary change. We have experienced this for ourselves in our own lives and in the lives of people we counsel. Hundreds of people struggling to change their food habits have been freed to succeed through...

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  9872 Hits

What is Diverticulosis and What Causes it?

What is Diverticulosis and What Causes it?

Diverticular disease is one of the most prevalent conditions in Western society which involves outpatient visits and hospitalizations. More than 100,000 Americans are hospitalized every year for this preventable condition. In some cases, a patient may develop life threatening complications such as a rupture of the intestines. As a hospital pharmacist, Dustin Rudolph PharmD sees many patients coming into the Emergency...

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  20968 Hits

Managing Symptoms vs Treating the Illness

Managing Symptoms vs Treating the Illness

Changing one's beliefs and eating habits can be a very difficult thing to do, especially living in a modern world where our culture believes "more is better." In order to thrive, we're told we need more protein, more fat, more vitamin supplements and more medical care. Likewise, consuming more rich foods in greater amounts is...

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  6832 Hits

Cruciferous Vegetables Protect Against Cancer

Cruciferous Vegetables Protect Against Cancer

Studies have shown that those who consume diets rich in vegetables significantly reduce their likelihood of being diagnosed with cancer. Although all vegetables offer powerful protection against cancer, cruciferous vegetables in particular contain the highest protective compounds. Cruciferous vegetables are vegetables that come from the broccoli and cabbage family. The four petals of the flower...

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  13004 Hits

Is Vegan the New Viagra?

Is Vegan the New Viagra?

Many men think eating plants is "wimpy" because real men hunt, kill and eat meat for its presumed "superior" (muscle building) protein. On the contrary, a plant-based diet boosts virility/fertility, enhances athletic performance, and supports optimal health and a youthful physique. In fact, the results of a study published in the British Journal of Cancer revealed...

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  20461 Hits

Big Industries Influence USDA Food Guidelines

Big Industries Influence USDA Food Guidelines

The majority of disease, disability and premature death seen by medical professionals today originates from a nutrient and fiber-deficient diet, which has led to an epidemic of poor health and astronomical health care costs. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, 80% of all deaths are caused mostly by poor diet and lifestyle habits....

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  9451 Hits

Plant-Based Nutrition for Kids

Child With Apple Over Eyes and Fresh Food Background

Adopting a plant-based diet for your family can be one of the best decisions that you can make for your child's health and wellbeing. The time and effort you invest in educating, planning and providing nutritious foods for your children will help protect them from childhood illnesses, slow the aging of their cells, prevent future...

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  13376 Hits

Today's Children Not Expected to Outlive Their Parents

Today's Children Not Expected to Outlive Their Parents

Losing a child is every parent's worst fear. No one would argue that nurturing and protecting our children to the best of our ability should be one of our highest priorities. We make sure our children get enough sleep, do their homework, brush their teeth, limit their TV exposure, and enroll them in sports. Yet...

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  18727 Hits

Diet May Reduce Severity of Seasonal Allergies

Diet May Reduce Severity of Seasonal Allergies

The prevalence of food allergies, asthma, hay fever, and eczema seem to be increasing every year around the world, even doubling, tripling, and quadrupling. Why the increase? No one knows for sure, yet reducing the amount of meat in the diet may decrease the risk of allergic diseases. A recent study in Poland conducted on...

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  9463 Hits

Whole Plant Food Diet Suppresses Cancer Cells

Whole Plant Food Diet Suppresses Cancer Cells

A team from the Nathan Pritikin Research Foundation conducted a study which took blood samples from various groups of people that ate different diets. Their blood was then dripped onto cancer cells growing in a petri dish. The results demonstrated how "...blood of those on a vegan diet was dramatically less hospitable to cancer" after just two...

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  22202 Hits

Reduce Cancer Risk by Avoiding Dairy

Reduce Cancer Risk by Avoiding Dairy

The incidence of cancer continues to rise at an alarming rate. Currently, one out of every two men and one out of every three women have cancer; so most likely, you have a family member or close friend that has some form of cancer. " In 2014, there will be an estimated 1,665,540 new cancer...

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  12591 Hits

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