DrCarney.com Blog

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Is the Consumption of Fast Foods Associated With Asthma or Other Allergic Diseases?

Regular consumers of fast foods, such as hamburgers, may be at risk of suffering from allergic diseases, such as asthma, eczema, rhino-conjunctivitis, and allergic rhinitis.

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Fruit and Vegetable Intakes and Asthma in the E3N Study

Following a high vegetable diet rich in tomatoes, carrots, and leafy vegetables may lower a woman's risk of developing asthma.

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Vegan Regimen With Reduced Medication in the Treatment of Bronchial Asthma

Going vegan may help improve symptoms of asthma.

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Association between processed meat intake and asthma symptoms in the French NutriNet-Santé cohort.

Habitual intake of processed meats can aggravate the symptoms of asthma in an individual.

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Consumption of artificially-sweetened soft drinks in pregnancy and risk of child asthma and allergic rhinitis.

Women with high intake of artificially-sweetened beverages during pregnancy may have high chances of giving birth to babies at risk of developing asthma and allergic rhinitis.

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Association between antioxidant vitamins and asthma outcome measures: systematic review and meta-analysis.

Asthma is less likely to occur among regular consumers of foods rich in vitamin A and C.

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Fruit and vegetable intake and risk of wheezing and asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

​Adequate intake of fruits and vegetables may help guard against the development of asthma and wheezing in children and adults.

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Plant Foods May Relieve Asthmatic Symptoms

Bronchial Asthma Illustration

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 24 million people are living with Asthma in the United States. Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the respiratory tract which coveys air to and from the lungs. An episode of asthmatic attack is associated with coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breat...

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Is Cow Milk Designed for Humans?

Is Cow Milk Designed for Humans?

In 2012, about 212 billion liters of cow's milk was consumed globally. A huge proportion of the 212 billion liters was consumed in America. The average American consumes 375 pounds of dairy products every year and 1 out of every 7 dollars spent in grocery stores in the United States goes for the purchase of...

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Allergies-Asthma Improve Over Time

Allergies-Asthma Improve Over Time

How many boxes of Kleenex do you go through during periods of high pollen counts? You will be encouraged by reading our new Topic Article "Diet May Reduce Severity of Seasonal Allergies>."  According to the plant-based nutritional experts, asthma and allergies have been linked to several nutritional factors. Although there isn't much literature published on...

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  5747 Hits

How do You Spell Relief?

How do You Spell Relief?

How do you spell relief? Many people would respond by singing their answer, "R-O-L-A-I-D-S" to the tune of the famous 1970's advertising slogan which sold Rolaids, a popular antacid tablet. But, as you can see in the illustration above the best way to fight acid indigestion is to only eat in the blue zones.  Taking antacids...

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Say Goodbye to Acid Reflux!

Say Goodbye to Acid Reflux!

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a painful, chronic health condition in which the lower esophageal sphincter (a muscular valve between the esophagus and stomach) relaxes, which causes the contents in the stomach to travel up the esophagus. This may cause painful acidic burning of the esophagus. Obesity, pregnancy, and certain prescription medications can contribute to...

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