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Is Your Food a Medicine or Poison?

Is Your Food a Medicine or Poison?

Every meal we consume affects our health either in a positive or negative way.  If our diets consist mainly of heavily processed foods and animal products, rich in saturated fats, oils, salt and sugar, we are creating an environment that encourages chronic degenerative disease.

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Dairy Products Promote Prostate Cancer

Dairy Products Promote Prostate Cancer

Stop for a moment to think about what milk is and what it was designed for. Milk is the white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It provides the primary source of nutrients for suckling mammals "before their digestive system has matured." As their digestive system matures, they are able to eat and...

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Avoid the Negative Effects From Dairy by Choosing Plant Foods for Calcium

Avoid the Negative Effects From Dairy by Choosing Plant Foods for Calcium

Calcium is a mineral found in the ground and is absorbed by the roots of plants.  Contrary to what the dairy industry wants us to believe, whole plant foods contain sufficient amounts of calcium to support every stage of our life after infancy. (Mother's milk is recommended for the first two years of life.) Consider...

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The China Study is Highly Recommended Reading

The China Study is Highly Recommended Reading

I whole heartily recommend that everybody interested in diet and health purchase and read a copy of the book The China Study by T. Colin Campbell PhD.  This one book has been the catalyst for so many people having their eyes opened to the benefits of plant-based nutrition. 

The China Study was the largest study to date on nutrition and health. It has been referred to as the "Grand Prix of epidemiology" by The New York Times.  Much of the materials in The China Study has been incorporated into the eCornell Certificate Program from Cornell University.

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