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Be Careful What You Pray For!

Be Careful What You Pray For!

Guest Blogger Contribution.
A few years ago my wife and I was held over in an airport due to weather canceling our flight. This was disruptive for a lot of people, creating a very crowded, stagnant atmosphere. After having investigated every square inch of the airport; every shop, magazine stand, building architecture, etc., and boredom just...

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  3006 Hits

Go Green for a Healthy Glow!

Go Green for a Healthy Glow!

Meet Alex, a handsome young college student who dared to be different. Like most college students living away from home, Alex had gained some weight eating the typical college fare of unhealthy foods. Alex was in his sophomore year of college when he was inspired to watch the documentary Forks Over Knives. Alex began to...

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  7182 Hits

Avoid Dairy to Prevent Type-1 Diabetes

Avoid Dairy to Prevent Type-1 Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious disease and is the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S. Having diabetes doubles the risk of having a stroke or heart attack. In fact, stroke and heart attacks "account for 84% of diabetes-related deaths." Many other complications include kidney failure, blindness, nervous system damage, gangrene in the lower limbs (which lead to amputations), increased risk of cancer (especially colorectal cancer), and even premature death.

Although these statistics are troubling, Dustin Rudolph Pharm.D. offers several steps parents can take to help prevent their children from developing type-1 diabetes in his article, "Type 1 Diabetes - Avoiding Dairy Is Key To Prevention."

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  22577 Hits

Protect Your Children From Future Disability

Protect Your Children From Future Disability

Losing a child is every parent's worst fear. No one would argue that nurturing and protecting our children to the best of our ability should be one of our highest priorities. We make sure our children get enough sleep, do their homework, brush their teeth, limit their TV exposure, and enroll them in sports. Yet...

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  5427 Hits

Today's Children Not Expected to Outlive Their Parents

Today's Children Not Expected to Outlive Their Parents

Losing a child is every parent's worst fear. No one would argue that nurturing and protecting our children to the best of our ability should be one of our highest priorities. We make sure our children get enough sleep, do their homework, brush their teeth, limit their TV exposure, and enroll them in sports. Yet...

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  18735 Hits

Q&A With Pediatrician Jay Gordon MD

Q&A With Pediatrician Jay Gordon MD

Dr. Jay Gordon is a pediatrician that uses whole-food, plant-based nutrition as preventative medicine in his medical practice in California. In the above eleven-minute video, Dr. Gordon addresses common questions regarding children's nutritional needs and the importance of establishing good eating habits at home.

A few of the topics he covers are:  

  • The benefits of children eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
  • How a plant-centered diet impacts children's developing brains and bodies
  • Raw vs cooked vegetables
  • Childhood obesity
  • What to say to children when they want to eat the junk food that their peers are eating
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  9380 Hits

How do You Spell Relief?

How do You Spell Relief?

How do you spell relief? Many people would respond by singing their answer, "R-O-L-A-I-D-S" to the tune of the famous 1970's advertising slogan which sold Rolaids, a popular antacid tablet. But, as you can see in the illustration above the best way to fight acid indigestion is to only eat in the blue zones.  Taking antacids...

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  13616 Hits

Is Your Child's Diet Healthy?

Is Your Child's Diet Healthy?

Parents make many choices throughout the day concerning the health and safety of their children. Adequate sleep, proper dental hygiene, and getting enough fresh air and exercise are just a few of the many good habits we instill in our children. When it comes to dietary choices, how are parents doing?

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  8427 Hits

Healthy Diets Start in the Womb

Healthy Diets Start in the Womb

This is a very interesting article written by Kristin Wartman from The New York Times. She explores several reasons why it's important for parents to feed their children healthy food right from the start....even while in the womb. Children quickly learn and develop different taste preferences and emotional attachments to the food that they are...

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  8072 Hits

Incidence of Teen Stroke on the Rise

Incidence of Teen Stroke on the Rise

Stroke is no longer considered a disease of old age. Strokes are now occurring in younger people as well. Dr. Joel Fuhrman says that, "These diseases come about due to the accumulated effects of years of poor diet and lifestyle habits. As the standard American diet has deteriorated, these damaging effects are amplified and have...

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  9950 Hits

McDougall Diet for Pregnancy and Children

McDougall Diet for Pregnancy and Children

Dr. John McDougall has very generously made his "Advanced Study Weekend" presentation on Pregnancy and Children available for public viewing on YouTube. The Weekend Study took place March of 2013 in Santa Rosa, California. This one hour presentation covers many topics regarding pregnancy, such as infertility, dietary recommendations, morning sickness, and weight gain. You'll enjoy watching...

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  28338 Hits

Meat Hormones Linked to Infertility

Meat Hormones Linked to Infertility

In the previous video, Dr. Greger warned that under-cooked meat poses a serious risk to the unborn baby. Toxoplasma parasites, which were found in one out of every six packages of raw lamb meat, can affect the brains of humans and unborn babies, resulting in a birth defect of an enlarged brain. In the video...

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  18060 Hits

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