DrCarney.com Blog

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Smoking and the risk of hemorrhagic stroke in men.

Men who are cigarette smokers may have a high tendency to suffer from hemorrhagic stroke.

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  1652 Hits

Smoking as an independent risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma: the Singapore Chinese Health Study.

Cigarette smoking may facilitate the onset of liver cancer.

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  1308 Hits

Smoking and aggressive prostate cancer: a review of the epidemiologic evidence.

​Cigarette smoking can trigger the onset and progression of fatal prostate cancer.

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  2992 Hits

Tobacco use and prostate cancer: 26-year follow-up of US veterans.

​Cigarette smoking may increase a man's chances of having prostate cancer.

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  1900 Hits

Smoking and adrenal cancer mortality among United States veterans.

​Cigarette smoking may up an individual's risk of dying from adrenal cancer.

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  1932 Hits

Smoking and biliary tract cancers in a cohort of US veterans.

​Cigarette smokers may be highly predisposed to develop cancers of the biliary tract.

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Tobacco use and nasopharyngeal carcinoma in a cohort of US veterans.

​Cigarette smoking may put an individual at high risk of developing nasopharyngeal cancer.

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  1912 Hits

Smoking and nasopharyngeal carcinoma mortality: a cohort study of 101,823 adults in Guangzhou, China.

​Smoking may raise an individual's risk of dying from nasopharyngeal cancer.

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Active smoking and breast cancer risk: original cohort data and meta-analysis.

​Cigarette smoking may up breast cancer risk in women.

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Cigarette smoking and breast cancer risk: update of a prospective cohort study.

​Women who are cigarette smokers may be highly vulnerable to breast cancer.

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  2500 Hits

Cigarette smoking and cervical cancer: Part I: a meta-analysis.

​Women who are cigarette smokers may have a high tendency of developing cervical cancer.

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Cigarette smoking and colorectal cancer mortality in the cancer prevention study II.

​Cigarette smokers may have a high tendency to suffer from colorectal cancer-related deaths.

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  2002 Hits

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