DrCarney.com Blog

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Be a Part of the Plant-Pure Nation Movement!

Be a Part of the Plant-Pure Nation Movement!

Have you ever wanted to shout, "What is the truth?!" as you sift through the conflicting health advice available on the internet and elsewhere? If so, then you'll want to watch PlantPure Nation. This documentary will not only show you the truth about how to achieve optimal health, but will help explain WHY it's so difficult...

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No Way Could I Ever Eat Like That!

No Way Could I Ever Eat Like That!

Guest Blogger Contribution.
More than not, as anyone discovers my eating habits, their response is something like, "Oh, I could never eat like that." I tell them that it is far easier than they think and that their taste will change, but that never seems to convince anyone. Indeed, a Low-Fat Whole Foods Plant Based diet...

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  4660 Hits



Guest Blogger Contribution.
Until the age of 36, back in 1988, I believed that humans were carnivores. That is, until after a very eye-opening education from my Type-1 diabetes journey where I learned that consuming meat, or any animal product for that matter, was a large influence on insulin resistance which is not a good thing!...

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  10762 Hits

Ken's Type-1 Diabetes Journey: Control

Ken's Type-1 Diabetes Journey: Control

Guest Blogger Contribution.
My previous doctor(s) informed me that no matter how diligently I controlled my diabetes that I will still suffer diabetic complications. I believe this is said because the conventionally prescribed A1C levels of 6 to 7 percent, for Type-1 diabetics are damagingly high. Further evidence is that my energy levels are lower in...

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  3063 Hits

Ken's Type-1 Diabetes Journey: Logs

Ken's Type-1 Diabetes Journey: Logs

Guest Blogger Contribution.
In many of my Posts, I mention the fundamental significance of using a log to learn and manage my Type-1 diabetes, not to mention discovering the profound benefits of a Whole Food Plant Based Starch Smart diet. It has been requested that I provide a blank copy of my Type-1 diabetic log file,...

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  4981 Hits

Fad Diets

Fad Diets

Guest Blogger Contribution.
There are countless diets inundating our society and they are all wildly different - most are polar opposites; some heavily promote a certain food while others say to never eat that food. They all have an identifying trade name such as; Adkins, 80-10-10, South Beach, McDougall, Mediterranean, Engine 2, Paleo and so, so...

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  2344 Hits

Prevent-Reverse Disease With a Plant-Based Doctor

Prevent-Reverse Disease With a Plant-Based Doctor

Large population studies confirm a direct correlation between the rates of chronic illness and the percent of animal products consumed in the diet of that population. As the percentage of animal and processed foods rise, so does illness - cancer, heart disease, autoimmune, and diabetes, just to name a few. For this reason, diets based on animal...

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  9933 Hits

Ken’s Type-1 Diabetes Journey Part 6: Glycemic Index and Attention Span

Ken’s Type-1 Diabetes Journey Part 6: Glycemic Index and Attention Span

Guest Blogger Contribution.
As a Type-1 diabetic, the study of insulin and metabolism has been a subject of obsessive interest for the last 26 years. From personal experience I have found that maintaining normal blood sugar involves more than simply injecting insulin. It turns out that it is not entirely a simple matter of matching insulin...

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  6328 Hits

Ken's Type-1 Diabetes Journey: Part 4 - My Story

Ken's Type-1 Diabetes Journey: Part 4 - My Story

Guest Blogger Contribution.
The year 1988 was a pivotal year for me. Prior to 1988 and even the early part of 1988, my health and physical ability was median normal with all my friends and family. In 1972, I was drafted into the US Army and underwent basic combat training for service in the Vietnam War....

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  4947 Hits

Doctors Know Little About Nutrition

Doctors Know Little About Nutrition

Out of the thousands of hours that doctors receive in medical school training, you may be surprised to find out that most haven't had a single course in nutrition. Dr. Michael Greger says that, "Most medical schools in the United States fail to provide even a bare minimum of nutrition training." Due to their lack...

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  6340 Hits

Jeff Novick Compares Fruit Juice To Cola

Jeff Novick Compares Fruit Juice To Cola

After making the transition to a plant-based diet, it's only natural to want to rush out and buy an expensive juicer to make our own juice. However, before you start searching on Amazon for the best kind, watch this six minute video clip from Jeff Novick's "Fast Food - Shopping School" dvd.

Jeff explains how fruit juice is not a natural state of the whole fruit, but actually a highly processed, refined food that should be used very sparingly, as a condiment for extra flavor. A whole fruit contains fiber, is low in calorie-density, and high in satiety, whereas fruit juice has had its fiber and many nutrients removed, is calorie-dense, and is low in satiety. Jeff refers to juice as "liquid calories" that can quickly add unwanted pounds and elevate blood sugar levels as well as triglycerides.

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  14977 Hits

Latest Study! Breaking News! Proven Safe!

Confused About Today’s Breaking Health News? Confused About Today’s Breaking Health News?

We live in an era where the latest breaking news is accessible at the touch of a screen, click of a mouse, or pushing a button on a remote. News is everywhere, isn't it great? Never before, have we had such an influx of information available to us from so many sources. This information can...

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  4811 Hits

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