DrCarney.com Blog

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Dr. Arnott's 24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Health

24 Realistic Ways To Improve You rHealth

Confused about the seemingly endless new and often contradictory health information in circulation today?

How about a common-sense reality check on living well?

Tim Arnott, MD of the Lifestyle Center of America has produced this helpful book of 24 short, practical health tips based on scientific research.....

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  3451 Hits

Spud Fit!

Spud Fit!

Guest Blogger Contribution.
Andrew Taylor has done an amazing thing. Through research and taking matters into his own hands, he found a win, win ... win way to break food addiction. And, he has even created the Spud Fit website to share his multiple wins with everyone. I am very impressed with his clear, logical thinking...

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  5070 Hits

Life Span or Health Span?

Life Span or Health Span?

"Good news, America: We're living longer!" trumpeted USA Today. "Life expectancy in the USA rose in 2012 to 78.8 years — a record high," said the paper, quoting statistics from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And in a press release dated May 19, 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that worldwide "life...

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  11089 Hits

Don't Worry... Be Healthy!

Don't Worry... Be Healthy!

Guest Blogger Contribution.
Do you consider yourself health conscious? Do you ever worry about getting enough nutrients? It seems common for the health conscious to seek out foods with the best and most nutrients. In the beginning of my Type-1 diabetes journey, I was completely clueless about nutrition. I knew of the words "protein" and "vitamins",...

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  3251 Hits

Alternative Medicine: Part 2

Alternative Medicine: Part 2


Guest Blogger Contribution.
Webster's definition of Alternative Medicine: any of various systems of healing or treating disease that is not included in the traditional medical curricula of the United States and Britain. But, what if a traditional medical curriculum is in error? Advancements in our society are built on top of previous advances. Each advancement...

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  2059 Hits



Guest Blogger Contribution.
Until the age of 36, back in 1988, I believed that humans were carnivores. That is, until after a very eye-opening education from my Type-1 diabetes journey where I learned that consuming meat, or any animal product for that matter, was a large influence on insulin resistance which is not a good thing!...

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  10791 Hits

Diabetes! What is it? What’s the risk? What can I do?

Diabetes!  What is it?  What’s the risk?  What can I do?

Guest Blogger Contribution.
The percentage of diabetes cases are skyrocketing in the US and many parts of the world. How do you know if you are at risk? Is it genetic? Is it lifestyle? Is it preventable? A clear understanding, even if simplified, is your best defense against becoming diabetic and becoming non-diabetic if you already...

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  2764 Hits

Ken's Type-1 Diabetes Journey: Logs

Ken's Type-1 Diabetes Journey: Logs

Guest Blogger Contribution.
In many of my Posts, I mention the fundamental significance of using a log to learn and manage my Type-1 diabetes, not to mention discovering the profound benefits of a Whole Food Plant Based Starch Smart diet. It has been requested that I provide a blank copy of my Type-1 diabetic log file,...

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  5008 Hits

Hypothetically - ish

Hypothetically - ish

Guest Blogger Contribution.
What If a food was offered to you that had a blissfully satisfying taste, but you were informed that it contained a slow poison that would kill you after about 30 years. What if you were further informed that the poison kills you slowly, progressively robbing your vitality, replacing it with tiredness, pain,...

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  2421 Hits

Fad Diets Part 2

Fad Diets Part 2

Guest Blogger Contribution.
The previous Fad Diets post did not answer what is not a fad diet. Instead, the post was to point out how fad diets are not only possible, but almost impossible to avoid. It was to point out how deeply diluted truth and reality is by all the noise of opinion, false associations...

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  3202 Hits

Fad Diets

Fad Diets

Guest Blogger Contribution.
There are countless diets inundating our society and they are all wildly different - most are polar opposites; some heavily promote a certain food while others say to never eat that food. They all have an identifying trade name such as; Adkins, 80-10-10, South Beach, McDougall, Mediterranean, Engine 2, Paleo and so, so...

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  2366 Hits



Guest Blogger Contribution.
Almost always, when describing a low-fat Whole Foods Plant Based Starch-Smart lifestyle with most people, their response is something like, “Oh, I could never give up my [some sort of meat], and cheese, [etc.]”. The unfortunate truth is that they literally do not know what they are missing. When it comes to diet,...

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  4648 Hits

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