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Dietary fiber intake and risk of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

High intake of diets rich in fiber may protect individuals from cardiovascular diseases.

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Dietary fiber intake is inversely associated with pancreatic cancer risk: a meta-analysis.

Regular consumption of high fiber diets may decrease an individual’s susceptibility to pancreatic cancer.

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Preventive role of dietary fiber in gastric cardia cancers.

Increased consumption of high fiber diets may significantly cut down esophageal and gastric cardia cancer risks. This research work assessed the role regular ingestion of dietary fiber play in the prevention of cancers of the esophagus and stomach. Researchers examined the dietary fiber intake of a large number of subjects. The esophageal and gastric cardia...

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Dietary fiber intake reduces risk for gastric cancer: a meta-analysis.

Tumors and cancerous cells are less likely to develop in the stomach of frequent consumers of high fiber diets.

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Dietary fiber intake and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies.

Women who are regular consumers of diets rich in fiber may have low chances of developing breast cancer.

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Vegetarianism, dietary fiber, and gastro-intestinal disease.

Increased consumption of vegetarian diets may cut down the risk of gastro-intestinal diseases, such as gall stone, constipation, diverticular disease, and cancer.

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Dietary fiber intake associated with reduced risk of esophageal cancer in Xinjiang, China.

Consistent consumption of high fiber diets may reduce the likelihood of developing esophageal cancer.

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Diet and diverticular disease in Oxford cohort of European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC): prospective study of British vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

Generous intake of vegetarian and high-fiber diets may cut down diverticular disease risk.

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Dietary fiber intake and risks of cancers of the colon and rectum in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC).

Individuals who regularly consume diets high in cereal, fruit, and vegetable fibers are less likely to develop colon, rectal, and colorectal cancers.

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Dietary fiber and incidence of type 2 diabetes in eight European countries: the EPIC-InterAct Study and a meta-analysis of prospective studies.

Consistent consumption of diets rich in fibers, particular vegetable and cereal fibers, may cut down type 2 diabetes risk.

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High carbohydrate, high fiber diets increase peripheral insulin sensitivity in healthy young and old adults

High carbohydrate, high fiber diets may increase peripheral insulin sensitivity and glucose assimilation in healthy adults.

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Effects of a very low fat high fiber diet on serum hormones and menstrual function

A very low fat, high fiber diet may lower the risk of developing breast cancer.

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