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Optimal Health Begins at Infancy?

Optimal Health Begins at Infancy?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mothers choosing to breastfeed their baby is a trend on the rise. This is very good news. There are many health benefits associated with breastfeeding for both mother and baby. There are also some very important pre-pregnancy and pregnancy factors to consider. An article by...

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Sick Before Their Time: More Kids Diagnosed With Adult Diseases

Sick Before Their Time: More Kids Diagnosed With Adult Diseases

Medical experts predict that today's children will be the first generation that will not outlive their parents. This is partly due to the sharp rise in obesity among American children. Steven Kenneth Galson, former US Surgeon General, states that the obesity epidemic is a result of "an increasingly sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition."

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High Blood Pressure: A Symptom, Not a Disease

High Blood Pressure: A Symptom, Not a Disease

Although most people believe that hypertension is a natural consequence of aging, hypertension is actually the consequence from years of consuming a diet rich in saturated animal products, oils, refined sugars, processed foods, and salt. These foods play a major role in promoting diseased arteries.

High blood pressure is not a disease, but a symptom of these diseased arteries. As cholesterol containing plaques begin to line the walls of the arteries, the arteries begin to narrow, stiffen, and lose their elasticity which causes a rise in pressure. Medications artificially treat the symptoms which gives the patient a false sense of security while their disease progresses. By switching to a Starch-Smart® diet, you will be giving your body a chance to heal the arteries, and reverse the disease.

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