DrCarney.com Blog

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Digestion Made Easy DVD

Digestion Made Easy DVD Cover Digestion Made Easy DVD Cover

Digestion Made Easy takes you on a journey of understanding through your digestive system to meet the amazing organs that turn your food into YOU!

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  4311 Hits

Is GERD a Symptom of a Hiatal Hernia?

Is GERD a Symptom of a Hiatal Hernia?

Half of the adults living in America who consume the rich Western diet have permanently stretched the diaphragm that separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity. Many patients are unaware that they have stretched their diaphragm; some experience symtoms when others do not. This condition is commonly seen in adults over the age of...

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  22679 Hits

Michael Klaper MD Speaks From His Heart

Michael Klaper MD Speaks From His Heart

Physicans like myself who follow the wise words of Hippocrates: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" — witness amazing transformations in the lives of our patients when disease-promoting foods are removed from their diets and their bodies are instead nourished with the finest ingredients. When animal products, refined oils/sugars and processed...

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  10316 Hits

Dr. John McDougall Offers Label Reading Advice

Dr. John McDougall Offers Label Reading Advice

Eating a whole-food, nutrient-rich, oil-free, plant-based diet focuses on consuming foods that aren't sold in a package or have a label. As Dr. Michael Klaper likes to say "Eat food as grown!" In other words, choose food items that are as close as possible to how they are found growing in nature. For instance, corn...

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  6556 Hits

Can a Plant-Based Diet be Used to Detox?

Can a Plant-Based Diet be Used to Detox?

The New Year brings with it an opportunity to think about ways in which to improve our lives. Eating healthier and losing those unwanted pounds is the most common New Year's resolution. In an attempt to start fresh, and "cleanse" the body, many turn to different methods of "detoxing." Each method promises successful weight loss...

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  18063 Hits

Consuming Refined Sugar "AGES" Your Body

Refined Sugar AGES the Body Refined Sugar AGES the Body

You may be familiar with the old saying "You're only as old as your arteries." As the saying implies, the number of candles on your birthday cake may represent your chronological age, but they don't necessarily represent your biological or vascular age. As our culture desperately tries to find solutions that camouflage the signs of aging, what they don't know...

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  8877 Hits

Animal-Based Diet Turns Our Blood Fatty

Animal-Based Diet Turns Our Blood Fatty

Our nation's current epidemic of chronic disease is not due to our genetic family history or the consequence of aging, but rather caused by poor diet and lifestyle choices. This is particularly true concerning heart disease. Heart disease rates rise and fall in direct proportion to the percent of animal fat consumed in the diet...

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  26048 Hits

But I Must Have Animal Protein!

But I Must Have Animal Protein!

After making the transition to a whole-food, plant-based diet, you may encounter others who have also tried to go plant-based, yet have failed. The main reason for returning to their animal-based diet was due to lack of energy. They claim that they feel better when they eat animal protein. Dr. Michael Klaper addresses this issue...

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  15191 Hits

Dr. Michael Klaper Answers Common Questions

Dr. Michael Klaper Answers Common Questions

You will enjoy the below 26 minute video of Michael Klaper MD. Dr. Klaper speaks passionately about his past, and how his memories of growing up on a dairy farm influenced him towards transitioning to a more compassionate and health-supporting diet. A few of the topics Dr. Klaper covers are: Cow's milk was designed as...

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  21805 Hits

Dr. Klaper Prescribes Diet, Not Pills

Michael Klaper MD Michael Klaper MD

Dr. Michael Klaper expresses so beautifully the philosophy that we share when it comes to nourishing our bodies with the finest ingredients to achieve optimal health. We too, are filled with admiration, awe, and reverence knowing how fascinating and complex the human body was designed. Our body has the remarkable capability of healing itself if...

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  8739 Hits

Olive Oil Not Heart Healthy

Olives are Wholesome, Olive Oil is Harmful Olives are Wholesome, Olive Oil is Harmful

The below eleven-minute excerpt from the 2012 Healthy Lifestyle Expo features Dr. Michael Klaper's presentation on "Salt, Sugar and Oil: What's The Problem?" Dr. Klaper starts out by emphasizing that we should eat "food as grown," - as it is found in nature. He then jokes about how unhealthy restaurant food is, and that we should be...

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  25621 Hits

Cow's Milk is Baby Calf Growth Fluid

Cow's Milk is Baby Calf Growth Fluid

Out of the 5,000 different mammalian species, human beings are the only mammals that continue to drink milk after weaning, and then they drink it from another species. There are several reasons why we do so. For example, we were taught in school and by our parents that we needed milk to build strong bones...

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  38135 Hits

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