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Food consumption and the incidence of type II diabetes mellitus.

Frequent consumption of fruits, green vegetables, berries, poultry, oil, and margarine may reduce type 2 diabetes risk.

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Classic Tale of the African Green Monkeys

African Green Monkey Portrait

Many people love the classics. Swiss Family Robinson. Jane Eyre. Or even Good Night Moon. All genres have their classics. These stories often owe their appeal to an artful exploration of some truth regarding the human condition. There truly is "no place like home;" a family really can survive by pulling together and using their wits; we...

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How to Caramelize and Sauté Without Using Oil

How to Caramelize and Sauté Without Using Oil

"Caramelize onions without using any oil? No way!" That's a pretty typical first reaction to those who are starting to eat an oil-free, plant-based diet. Not only can it be done, but renowned Chef Del Sroufe will show you how in his step-by-step video from Wellness Forum Foods. Chef Del has perfected the technique of caramelizing...

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The Effect of Different Oils on Endothelial Function

The Effect of Different Oils on Endothelial Function

Is there a "HEALTHY" oil? We've heard the term used so often that most of us believe there is such a thing. But which is it? Some tout olive oil because of its ancient Mediterranean roots. Others point to the long tradition of using soy products in Asia to prove the benefit of soybean oil....

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How to Saute and Bake Without Using Oil

How to Saute and Bake Without Using Oil

Refined vegetable oils are a highly-refined, high-fat and calorie-concentrated food which contributes to weight gain and the progression of disease. Because of this, our whole-food, plant-based diet experts recommend that we avoid them. Visit our Pinterest Board to find out how to saute` and bake without using refined vegetable oils! 

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Ode to Chocolate

Ode to Chocolate

Guest Blogger Contribution.
Ah chocolate, oh dark mystery of delight; on my tongue, the pleasure, on my hips, the blight. From far away in hot, tropical climes; thou art gathered by slaves, but I can pretend “Not mine!” Thy narcotics lull my senses into blissful transport; away from my problems, an escapist passport! Bitter as gall...

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  2956 Hits

Avoiding Fried Foods Reduces Cancer Risk

Avoiding Fried Foods Reduces Cancer Risk

"Would you like fries with that?" You may want to skip fried foods the next time you eat out after seeing the research linking these foods to cancer development. Dr. Michael Greger demonstrates in the video below, (as well as the following highlighted link) how deep fried foods are associated with cancers of the breast, pancreas, lung, mouth and throat, esophagus, larynx, kidney, ovary, and the endometrial lining of the uterus. Researchers also discovered that "...eating French fries, fried chicken, fried fish, and doughnuts was associated with about a third greater odds of prostate cancer, and after stratifying for tumor aggressiveness, found even slightly stronger associations with more aggressive disease, suggesting that regular intake of deep-fried foods may contribute to progression of prostate cancer as well."

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Is Olive Oil Really "Heart Healthy?"

Is Olive Oil Really "Heart Healthy?"

Olive oil is as American as baseball and apple pie. Its monounsaturated omega-3's have long been touted for being "heart healthy." But if olive oil ready did protect our hearts from heart disease, then why do one out of every three Americans die from it? Perhaps it doesn't really protect our hearts after all. Clever...

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  17615 Hits

Forks Over Knives Livestream Q&A

Forks Over Knives Livestream Q&A

If you have watched the impressive Forks Over Knives documentary, then you are familiar with Dr. Matthew Lederman, one of the many plant-based doctors featured in this film. In the live-stream Q&A video below, Doctors Matthew Lederman and Alona Pulde answer viewer's questions regarding plant-based nutrition. Topics in this one-hour presentation include: protein requirements, complete...

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  15652 Hits

The Wine and Olive Oil Diet

The Wine and Olive Oil Diet

Many fad diets come and go, but one diet in particular has stood the test of time.  Anyone familiar with the Mediterranean diet will most likely tell you that by pouring olive oil over your salad and including a glass of wine with your dinner will transform your present diet into a "heart healthy" Mediterranean...

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Mediterranean Diet - Healthy IN SPITE OF Olive Oil

Mediterranean Diet - Healthy IN SPITE OF Olive Oil

Think of a heart healthy diet, and I bet the Mediterranean Diet comes to mind. Its popularity comes from the foods that were once typically eaten in countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.

Looking back at the data collected from the 1950s-1960s, we see that the Mediterranean Diet was based largely on whole plant foods, with the emphasis on fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, whole grains and breads. Olive oil, fish and wine were an additional component to this diet. Highly processed foods and unhealthy hydrogenated and saturated fats such as butter and coconut oil were avoided as well as salt and sweets. Eggs, meat, and dairy were eaten in limited amounts. Exercise was also an important constituent of the Mediterranean diet. Americans looking for a "heart healthy" diet believe they are consuming the Mediterraniean diet by pouring olive oil on their food and adding a glass of wine to their meals.

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  13733 Hits

Is Coconut Oil a Super Food?

Is Coconut Oil a Super Food?

Coconut oil has become a popular "super food" among health conscious individuals. But are the claims regarding coconut oil valid? Can using coconut oil promote weight loss? Will coconut oil aid in reducing clogged arteries? What about as a cure for Alzheimers disease? Even though coconut is a plant based source of saturated fats isn't...

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