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Salt intake, stroke, and cardiovascular disease: meta-analysis of prospective studies

Indulgence in salty foods may bump up the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease in an individual.

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Salt, processed meat and the risk of cancer

High level of consumption of salty foods and processed meats may lead to a surge in cancer risk.

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Perceived dietary salt intake and the risk of primary liver cancer: a population-based prospective study

High dietary ingestion of salty foods may raise the risk of liver cancer.

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Gastric cancer and salt preference: a population-based cohort study in Korea

Sticking to a high salt diet may put an individual at high risk of acquiring stomach cancer.

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Salt and salted food intake and subsequent risk of gastric cancer among middle-aged Japanese men and women

Preference for salty foods, including salted fish roe, may raise the incidence of stomach cancer among middle-aged men and women.

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Salt, salted food intake, and risk of gastric cancer: epidemiologic evidence

Ardent consumption of salty foods may fuel the development of stomach cancer.

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Salty food preference is associated with osteoporosis among Chinese men.

Preference for salty foods is associated with increased risk of osteoporosis in Chinese men.

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Salty Foods Boost Kidney Stone Risk

Salt Crystals Surrounded by Salty Foods

Think again if you think dehydration, bad genes, overweight, gout, hyperthyroidism, urinary tract infection, Crohn's disease, and cystinuria are the only things that can give you kidney stones. In 2014, researchers at the University of Parma, Italy, made an interesting observation from their study; they found out that generous consumption of a comp...

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Dietary salt intake and risk of gastric cancer.

Generous consumption of salt and salt-rich foods may increase stomach cancer development risk.

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Habitual salt intake and risk of gastric cancer: a meta-analysis of prospective studies.

High consumption of salty foods may increase stomach cancer risk.

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Salt-preserved foods and risk of gastric cancer.

Frequent consumers of salty foods may have a high tendency to develop stomach cancer.

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