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Health - Food - Science - Community

Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and Gastrointestinal Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Habitual consumers of ultra-processed foods may be at risk of developing colorectal and stomach cancer.

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Ultra-processed foods and the incidence of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes among Iranian adults: the Tehran lipid and glucose study

High dietary ingestion of ultra-processed foods may trigger the onset of prediabetes in men and women.

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Ultraprocessed Food Intake and Risk of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Among Women Observed in the Nurses' Health Study Cohorts

Women fond of consuming ultra-processed foods may have increased propensity to come down with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

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Ultraprocessed food consumption and risk of gallstone disease: analysis of 3 prospective cohorts

Fans of ultra-processed foods and beverages, including sugar and artificially sweetened beverages, may have a high tendency of developing gallstones.

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Ultra-processed foods and cardiovascular disease: analysis of three large US prospective cohorts and a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies

Likeness for ultra-processed foods may fuel the development of stroke, cardiovascular, and coronary heart disease in men and women.

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Association of ultra-processed food consumption with all cause and cause specific mortality: population based cohort study

The odds of dying prematurely from chronic diseases may be stacked against habitual eaters of ultra-processed foods.

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Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and Long-Term Risk of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Large-Scale Prospective Cohort Study

Indulgence in ultra-processed foods may foster the development of irritable bowel syndrome in men and women.

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Consumption of ultra-processed foods decreases the quality of the overall diet of middle-aged Japanese adults

The addition of ultra-processed foods may lower the overall quality of a diet.

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Unhealthy Food and Psychological Stress: The Association between Ultra-Processed Food Consumption and Perceived Stress in Working-Class Young Adults

Young adults who enjoy consuming ultra-processed foods may be prone to suffering from psychological stress.

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Ultra-processed Food Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Korean Adults

Adopting a diet high in ultra-processed foods, such as ham/sausage, instant noodles, ice cream, and carbonated beverages, may make an individual vulnerable to having type 2 diabetes.

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Consumption of ultra-processed foods and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in the Southern Community Cohort Study

The love for ultra-processed foods may increase diabetes mortality risk in men and women.

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Higher Ultra-Processed Food Consumption Is Associated with Increased Risk of Incident Coronary Artery Disease in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study

Upping the intake of ultra-processed foods can heighten an individual's risk of developing coronary artery disease.

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