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Callie's Cancer

Callie's Cancer

Guest Blogger Contribution.
Callie is a very dear member of our family. She is a person who just happens to be a 14-year-old cat. She plays a very prominent role in the family. She supervises household work. She loves (demands) loving time which includes being carried around the house lying on her back in my arms...

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  3627 Hits

Salty Foods Boost Kidney Stone Risk

Salt Crystals Surrounded by Salty Foods

Think again if you think dehydration, bad genes, overweight, gout, hyperthyroidism, urinary tract infection, Crohn's disease, and cystinuria are the only things that can give you kidney stones. In 2014, researchers at the University of Parma, Italy, made an interesting observation from their study; they found out that generous consumption of a comp...

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  13662 Hits

Three Diseases Linked to Milk Consumption

Woman with Milk Glass Holding Hand to Stop

Milk is one of the most popular drinks of choice among Americans. In fact, the average American consumed about 20.4 gallons of milk in 2010. Unfortunately, cow's milk is not well designed for humans; in reality, it is baby calf growth fluid intended to rapidly grow a small calf to a full grown cow in about a years time. Cow's milk contains&nbs...

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  21164 Hits

Salty Foods Boost Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Heart Disease Increased By Salty Foods

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death globally. In 2015, an estimated 17.7 million people died from various types of cardiovascular disorders worldwide. Cardiovascular diseases kill more than 600,000 people every year in the United States. To put this into a SAD pe...

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  6824 Hits

Dietary Cholesterol Raises Breast Cancer Risk

Diseased Womens Breasts

Breast cancer is a major public health challenge worldwide; it is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among Caucasian American women, but the leading cause of cancer deaths for Latinas. Some of the well-established risk factors of breast cancer include family history, alcohol consumption, use of hormone replacement therapy, lack of exerc...

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  4909 Hits

Processed Meats Elevate Thyroid Cancer Risk

Thyroid Cancer Illustration

​The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland located in the front part of the neck that produces the hormones thyroxine and calcitonin. Thyroid cancer is a common endocrine cancer, and it is also the most rapidly increasing cancer diagnosis in the United States. The American Cancer Society estimated that over 50,000 cases of thyroid cancer would ...

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  5992 Hits

Alcohol Significantly Increases Cancer Risk

Skull And Crossbones From Alcohol

Cancer is the second leading cause of deaths worldwide. Each year, over 12 million people are diagnosed with cancer and more than 7 million persons die from cancer annually. Cancer accounts for nearly 1 in every 6 deaths recorded worldwide. These numbers are frightening, but our lifestyle choices can influence our risk of developing cancer. The fin...

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  7523 Hits

Reduce Cataract Risk With Dietary Antioxidants

Cataract With Surgical Instrument

From 2000 to 2010, the number of cataract cases in the United States rose from 20.5 million to 24.4 million. The National Eye Institute estimates the number of people with cataracts will double from 24.4 million in 2010 to 50 million by 2050. Cataracts are cloudy patches that develops in the lens of the eye, causing blurred vision. This e...

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  7475 Hits

Antioxidant Supplements Do Not Prevent Cancer

Antioxidant Supplements Do Not Prevent Cancer

Cancers are a deadly disease resulting annually in millions of deaths worldwide. In 2012, 8.2 million people were estimated to die from cancer globally, and more than half a million people were projected to die from cancer in 2016 in the United States. The fear of this deadly diagnosis influences many people to take me...

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  10566 Hits

Plant Foods May Relieve Asthmatic Symptoms

Bronchial Asthma Illustration

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 24 million people are living with Asthma in the United States. Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the respiratory tract which coveys air to and from the lungs. An episode of asthmatic attack is associated with coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breat...

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  11815 Hits

Cardiovascular Disease Risk Increased by Red Meat

Heart Disease Risk Increase

Consuming animal-based foods containing L-carnitine promotes the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis, stroke, and myocardial infarction. L-carnitine is a nutrient that helps to transport fatty acids to the mitochondria, the energy-producing furnaces in the cells, for use as fuel. However, the human body can als...

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  8267 Hits

Improve Brain Function by Eating Plants

Brains Function Best on Plant Foods

Eating fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables can dramatically improve brain function and reduce the risk of suffering from dementia. These were the findings of a 2017 study published in the journal of Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. A team of Chinese researchers studied the dietary data of 31,004 subjects and compared the cognitive...

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  12523 Hits

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