DrCarney.com Blog

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Will my children get enough calcium on a Starch-Smart® diet?

A Starch-Smart® diet supplies adequate levels of calcium for growing children and can be started as soon as solid food is introduced. A well planned, Starch-Smart® diet provides optimal nutrition and powerful protection against childhood illness and chronic disease later in adulthood.  When consuming a diet rich in whole foods, beans, nuts, seeds, legumes, intact...

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  3154 Hits

What are the advantages for children eating a Starch-Smart® diet?

Adopting a Starch‐Smart diet for our family can be one of the best decisions that we can make for our childrens' health and wellbeing. Taking time to educate ourselves, plan, and provide nutritious foods can provide long-term future health benefits for our children, as well as possibly increasing their IQ's. Fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, legumes...

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What are the health consequences for children who consume the Standard American Diet (SAD)?

It's been predicted that today's children will be the first generation whose life expectancy is shorter than that of their parents. This can be largely attributed to the diet we feed our children. Busy schedules and inaccurate nutritional information influence our meal selections. This has ushered us into an era of fast food consumption, resulting...

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Can many childhood illnesses be avoided when consuming a Starch-Smart® diet?

Scientific research indicates that our bodies have an incredibly strong immune system which is capable of preventing, defending, and repairing itself against disease causing microbes.  This can only happen when our bodies are given the proper fuel.  Yet today, American children consume less than 2% of of their diet from whole, natural, plant foods, and...

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Is a Starch-Smart® diet safe for children to follow?

A Starch-Smart® diet is an excellent diet for children of all ages and can be started as soon as they are introduced to solid foods. Consuming a Starch-Smart diet not only provides superior nutrition, it also greatly impacts their future health. A well planned, plant-centered diet consisting of whole, unprocessed foods such as beans, intact...

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