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Alcohol consumption as a major risk factor for the rise in liver cancer mortality rates in Japanese men

Alcohol use may heighten a man's chances of dying from liver cancer.

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Relationship between alcohol consumption and the risks of liver cancer, esophageal cancer, and gastric cancer in China: Meta-analysis based on case-control studies

The odds of developing liver, esophageal, and stomach cancer may be stacked against alcohol consumers.

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Perceived dietary salt intake and the risk of primary liver cancer: a population-based prospective study

High dietary ingestion of salty foods may raise the risk of liver cancer.

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Association between Dietary Tomato Intake and the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: The Singapore Chinese Health Study

Frequent ingestion of tomatoes may hinder the development of liver (hepatocellular) cancer.

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Raw Garlic Consumption and Risk of Liver Cancer: A Population-Based Case-Control Study in Eastern China

Eating raw garlic regularly may help curtail the development of liver cancer.

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Consumption of soft drinks and juices and risk of liver and biliary tract cancers in a European cohort.

Consistent consumption of both sugared and artificially-sweetened beverages can trigger the development of liver cancer.

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Association of Intake of Whole Grains and Dietary Fiber With Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in US Adults.

Generous intake of whole grains may confer an individual with significant protection against hepatocellular (liver) cancer.

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Cigarette smoking as a risk factor for the development of and mortality from hepatocellular carcinoma: An updated systematic review of 81 epidemiological studies.

​A surge in liver cancer development and mortality risk is associated with cigarette smoking.

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Vegetable, fruit and antioxidant nutrient consumption and subsequent risk of hepatocellular carcinoma: a prospective cohort study in Japan.

High dietary ingestion of fruits, vegetables, and other antioxidant-rich foods may exert a protective effect against liver cancer.

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Smoking as an independent risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma: the Singapore Chinese Health Study.

Cigarette smoking may facilitate the onset of liver cancer.

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Cigarette smoking and primary liver cancer: a population-based case-control study in US men.

​Cigarette smoking may up the risk of liver cancer in men.

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Vegetable-based dietary pattern and liver cancer risk: results from the Shanghai women's and men's health studies.

​Vegetarians may have a low tendency of developing liver cancer.

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