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Epidemiological support for the protection of whole grains against diabetes.

Diets rich in whole grains and cereal fibers are associated with low type 2 diabetes risk in men and women.

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Whole grain bran, and germ intake and risk of type 2 diabetes: a prospective cohort study and systemic review.

Eating large amounts of germ, bran, and whole grains may confer significant protection against the development of type 2 diabetes.

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Effects of 7 days on an ad libitum low-fat vegan diet: the McDougall Program Cohort.

Healthy cardiovascular and metabolic profiles are associated with frequent consumption of low-fat vegan diets.

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Mechanism of free fatty acid induced insulin resistance in humans.

The inhibitory action of free fatty acids on glucose transport, oxidation, and glycogen synthesis may be responsible for lipid-induced insulin resistance in humans.

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The nutritional and health benefits of pulses in relation to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Eating large quantities of pulses may lower the cancer, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease risk.

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Association between diet and cancer, ischemic, heart disease, and all-cause mortality in non-Hispanic white California Seventh-day Adventists.

Vegetarians are associated with better health and lower total mortality rates than non-vegetarians.

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Fats, inflammation, and insulin resistance: insights to the role of macrophage and T-cell accumulation in adipose tissue.

High fat diets may promote the development insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes.

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Overnight lowering of free fatty acids with Acipimox improves insulin resistance and glucose tolerance in obese diabetic and nondiabetic subjects.

Decreased plasma levels of free fatty acids are associated with low insulin resistance and high glucose uptake in obese diabetic and nondiabetic individuals.

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Latest insights into the risk of cancer in diabetes.

Diabetes may elevate the risk of developing cancer.

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