
Assuming cancer is required, the following results were found.

  • A prospective study of cigarette smoking and the risk of pancreatic cancer.

    ​Elevated pancreatic cancer risk is associated cigarette smoking. This study examined cigarette smoking in relation to pancreatic cancer risk. Researchers followed and evaluated 167,767 cancer-free men and women between the ages of 30-75 years with...
  • A prospective cohort study of cigarette smoking and pancreatic cancer in Japan.

    ​Individuals who are cigarette smokers may be highly vulnerable to pancreatic cancer. This study examined cigarette smoking in relation to the incidence of pancreatic cancer in Japan. A team of researchers from Aichi Medical University in Japan...
  • Dietary fat and postmenopausal invasive breast cancer in the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study cohort.

    ​Postmenopausal women on high-fat diets may have a high tendency of developing invasive breast cancer. This study investigated whether an association exists between dietary fat intake and invasive breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women. Using a...
  • Pickled meat consumption and colorectal cancer (CRC): a case-control study in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

    ​A significant increase in colorectal cancer risk is associated with consistent consumption of pickled red meat. This study examined the intake of pickled red meat in relation to the incidence of colorectal cancer in Canada. Researchers collated and...
  • Meat and dairy consumption and subsequent risk of prostate cancer in a US cohort study.

    ​High dietary ingestion of processed meats and dairy foods may raise an individual's chances of having prostate cancer. This study examined the connection between the consumption of meat and dairy products and the odds of developing prostate cancer....
  • Association between smoking and risk of bladder cancer among men and women.

    ​Bladder cancer is more likely to occur in current and former smokers than in never smokers. This research work studied the relationship between tobacco smoking and the incidence of bladder cancer. A team of researchers at the National Cancer Institute...
  • Case-control study on beneficial effect of regular consumption of apples on colorectal cancer risk in a population with relatively low intake of fruits and vegetables.

    ​Frequent consumption of apples may help to ward off colorectal cancer. This study examined effect of regular intake of apples on the risk of having colorectal cancer. Researchers assessed the apple consumption rates and colorectal cancer odds ratios...
  • Fiber intake and risk of subsequent prostate cancer in Japanese men.

    ​A high-fiber diet may help protect men against prostate cancer. This study investigated the association between dietary fiber intake and the risk of developing advanced prostate cancer. A group of researchers from the National Cancer Center, Tokyo,...
  • Risk of colorectal cancer associated with active smoking among female teachers.

    ​Women who are cigarette smokers may be more susceptible to colorectal cancer than their colleagues who are never smokers. This study assessed the relationship between cigarette smoking and the prevalence of colorectal cancer in women in the United...
  • An Apple a Day Keeps Colorectal Cancer Away?

    This statement is not news to many of us. But most of us are not aware that an apple a day may also help keep colorectal cancer away . A growing number of studies have shown that generous consumption of apples can help to prevent the onset of colorectal...
  • Vegetables Knock Out Liver Cancer Risk

    Liver Cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. Data released by the World Cancer Research Fund International show that more than 780,000 cases of liver carcinoma were recorded globally in 2012. According to the American Cancer Society ,...
  • Carotenoids and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis and meta-regression.

    Adequate intake of diets rich in α- and β-carotene may help guard against the development of breast cancer in women. This study examined the correlation between the ingestion of carotenoid-rich foods and the occurrence of breast cancer. Researchers...
  • Cocaine use and head and neck cancer risk: A pooled analysis in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology Consortium

    The likelihood of having head and neck cancer may increase with the use of cocaine. This study investigated the cocaine use-head and neck cancer connection hypothesis. Researchers matched cocaine usage with the incidence rates of head and neck cancer...
  • WHO States Red/Processed Meat Linked to Cancer

    nutrition: the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that processed meat and red meat consumption are associated with cancer. In a press release dated October 26, 2015 , the WHO stated that a group of 22 experts from ten countries reviewed the...
  • Red Meat May Increase Endometrial Cancer Risk

    Red meat is one of the most highly consumed foods worldwide. In the United States, the average American man eats roughly 6.9 oz of meat per day and woman consumes about 4.4 oz daily . The delicious (or not) taste and nutrients, such as proteins, iron,...
  • Dietary Fats May Raise Ovarian Cancer Risk

    show that 1 in 78 women in the United States will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer at some point in their lifetime. Unfortunately, ovarian cancer is one of the deadliest cancers. Affecting the female reproductive system, it kills more than 100,000 women...
  • Chocolate Candy and Incident Invasive Cancer Risk in the Women's Health Initiative: An Observational Prospective Analysis

    Women who enjoy eating chocolate candies may be prone to having colorectal cancer. This study analyzed the link between fondness for chocolate candy and cancer risk in women. Researchers studied the chocolate candy consumption habits and cancer...
  • Is breast cancer risk associated with alcohol intake before first full-term pregnancy?

    Alcohol use—irrespective of the quantity—may precipitate the development of breast cancer in women, especially in females who have never been pregnant. This study evaluated alcohol drinking and its relationship with the development of breast cancer in...
  • Inflammatory potential of diet and risk of laryngeal cancer in a case-control study from Italy

    Eating a pro-inflammatory diet may make an individual vulnerable to having laryngeal cancer. This study evaluated the role of pro-inflammatory diets in the development of laryngeal cancer. Researchers reviewed the diets of 460 patients with laryngeal...
  • Smoking and adrenal cancer mortality among United States veterans.

    ​Cigarette smoking may up an individual's risk of dying from adrenal cancer. This study explored the relationship between cigarette smoking and the likelihood of dying from cancer of the adrenal gland. Researchers from the National Institute of Cancer,...

Results 101 - 120 of 1000

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