
Assuming breast is required, and cancer is required, the following results were found.

  • Can Diet Influence the Onset of Early Puberty?

    An alarming trend is taking place in the United States today that's affecting the health and wellbeing of our children. The rate at which our children are going through puberty has increased significantly between 1997 and 2010. Before the 20th century,...
  • Canned Foods May Promote Breast Cancer

    Caned goods that are not labelled BPA-free can raise the body's level of estrogen in non-detectable ways. This includes the estrogen at the cellular level of males as well as females. Notable canned foods include baked beans, cream of mushroom, canned...
  • Exploring the relation of alcohol consumption to risk of breast cancer.

    alcohol may stimulate the development of cancerous cells and tumors in the breast. This study investigated the alcohol-breast cancer connection using a meta-analytic approach. Data from eligible studies were analyzed for this meta-analysis. Researchers...
  • Ruth Heidrich Beats Breast Cancer

    Ruth Heidrich, PhD, discovered she had an aggressive type of breast cancer (when she was in her 40's) which had already spread to her bones, one lung, and liver. She had the lump removed but refused chemotherapy and radiation, and instead signed up for...
  • Artificially sweetened beverages consumption and risk of obesity-related cancers: a wide-angled Mendelian randomization study

    beverages may confer an individual with high risk of developing obesity-related cancers, such as colorectal and breast cancer. This study set out to seek for further evidence linking the consumption of artificially-sweetened beverages (ASBs) with the...
  • Biological effects of a diet of soy protein rich in isoflavones on the menstrual cycle of premenopausal women.

    High intakes of Isoflavone-rich soy foods are associated with delayed menstrual cycle and lower breast cancer risk in premenopausal women. This study examined the effect of isoflavone-rich soy protein on menstrual cycle and breast cancer risk in...
  • Preferring Fried Dishes Increases Risk of Benign Breast Disease, but Not Breast Cancer

    noticed that regular ingestion of fried foods resulted in an increased risk of benign breast disease, but not breast cancer. This study reveals that fondness for fried foods may fuel the development of benign breast disease.
  • From Survive to Thrive: Patty's Cancer Journey

    blogs online for a long time before making my first appointment. Three years earlier I had become plant based due to a breast cancer diagnosis. That was an adjustment. I finally started to get into a groove with support groups and books I was reading...
  • Dietary Fiber and Risk of Benign Proliferative Epithelial Disorders of the Breast

    of high fiber foods in the prevention of benign proliferative epithelial disorders of the breast and subsequently breast cancer.
  • RE: Alcohol

    are acidifying to the body, thus promoting the formation of cancer. 1 drink of alcohol per month raises the risk of breast cancer by 33%. 1 drink of alcohol per week raises the risk of breast cancer 50%. 3 drinks of alcohol per week raise the breast...
  • Mushrooms Offer Protection Against Cancer

    Several types of cancers are hormone-sensitive, meaning they use female/male hormones to develop and metastasize. Most breast and prostate cancers are hormone-sensitive. In an attempt to stop the progression of cancer, pharmaceutical companies have...
  • An epidemiologic approach to studying heterocyclic amines.

    red meat that contains carcinogenic heterocyclic amines is associated with a greater risk of colorectal adenoma, breast cancer, and lung cancer. This research work was carried out to evaluate the association of heterocyclic amine (HCA) intake with...
  • How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease

    highly acidic, increases the risk of kidney stones, and how plant foods offer protection against cancer of the kidney. Breast cancer - Chapter 11 cites evidence supporting how alcohol, heterocyclic amines from the browning process of grilled meat, and...
  • Lifetime Physical Activity and the Incidence of Proliferative Benign Breast Disease

    examined the impact of physical activity on the risk of developing proliferative benign breast disease—a precursor to breast cancer. Researchers surveyed more than 40,000 women for a duration of 4 years. During the course of the study, a total of 232...
  • Kelly Binkoski's Story - Cancer Free Without Chemo

    Kelly Binkoski was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in January of 2012. Her surgeon scheduled her for surgery with an aggressive chemo and radiation plan following surgery. She and her husband inadvertently watched Forks Over Knives two days...
  • Association between dried fruit intake and pan-cancers incidence risk: A two-sample Mendelian randomization study

    obtained from the Oncoarray oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer consortium, International Lung Cancer Consortium, Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC), Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium, PanScan1, and GWAS databases. Researchers observed...
  • Egg intake and cancers of the breast, ovary and prostate: a dose-response meta-analysis of prospective observational studies.

    Generous intake of eggs may increase breast, prostate, and ovarian cancer risk. This study investigated the association between egg consumption and the incidence of breast, ovary, and prostate cancer. Researchers reviewed dietary and clinical data...
  • Long-Term Alcohol Consumption and Breast, Upper Aero-Digestive Tract and Colorectal Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

    Fondness for alcohol may put an individual at high risk of developing cancer of the breast, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, oral cavity, colon, and rectum. ​The objective of this study was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis on data obtained...
  • Which Foods Suppress Cancer Cell Growth?

    In 2009 an important study was conducted which tested the ability of 34 vegetables to suppress tumor cells in 8 different types of human cancer. The types of cancer cells that were tested were from the lung, kidney, brain, stomach, prostate, pancreas,...
  • Lower Cancer Risk With Super Immunity

    Cancer is the second leading cause of death in America, with cancers of the colon, breast, prostate and lung being the most deadly. Advocates of a whole-food, nutrient-dense, plant-based diet concur there is overwhelming evidence linking nutritional...

Results 141 - 160 of 283

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