TrueNorth Health Center
Founded in 1984, TrueNorth Health Center seeks to restore and maintain optimum health of their patients. Their team includes medical physicians, oesteopaths, chiropractors, naturopaths, psychologists, massage therapists, chef, and many others who work... -
Beat Type 2 Diabetes With These 3 Foods
According to a 2017 report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 30.3 million Americans are living with diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic, life-threatening disease that affects the body's ability to produce or... -
Fruits and Vegetables Lower Chronic Disease Risk
The US National Center for Health Statistics defined chronic disease, also known as non-communicable disease, as any disease that lasts for 3 months or longer. They comprise a cluster of diseases that include diabetes, cancer, stroke, respiratory... -
Optimal Health Begins at Infancy?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mothers choosing to breastfeed their baby is a trend on the rise. This is very good news. There are many health benefits associated with breastfeeding for both mother and baby. There... -
What Percentage of Americans Eat Healthy?
Life expectancy in the U.S. is listed as number 27 or 28 of the 34 OECD free-market democracies. In the video below, Dr. Michael Greger explains how the overall patterns of healthy lifestyles have declined in the last 18 years. When U.S. health trends... -
Avoid Heart Failure With Whole Plant Foods
An estimated 5.7 million adults in the United States are currently battling with heart failure. For a person to be technically diagnosed with heart failure , it means his heart cannot pump enough blood to support other organs in the body, resulting in... -
This is Your Brain - On Pork Tapeworms
Do you know of someone that needs a good reason to switch to a whole-food, Starch-Smart® diet? If so, you may want to share the two videos below with them featuring Dr. Michael Greger. This information may motivate your bacon-loving friends to... -
Vegetable Consumption Being Sidelined
Let's talk about trends. If you're a banana, a carrot, or a head of lettuce, the future isn't looking too bright for you right now. The Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBHF) commissioned a study and found that fruit and vegetable consumption has... -
Shirley Loses Weight Loss Surgery, Pounds and Pills
I started to think that I needed to do something to improve my health in January of 2016 when I went to the doctor and took the Boston Heart Test. It consists of 3 full pages of tests. I did not understand all the numbers but I did understand that my... -
Should a Vegan Diet be Considered Child Neglect?
Occasionally, it happens. Loving parents who've read the research on the advantages of a plant-based diet are accused of neglecting their children by refusing to give them animal products. Currently in Italy, there is proposed legislation that would... -
Sugary Beverages and Rising Stroke Risk
Every 40 seconds, a person suffers from a stroke and every 4 minutes, someone dies from a stroke in the United States. Stroke is the number one cause of long-term disability and the number five cause of deaths in the US, killing more than one hundred... -
Fiber's Role in Preventing Breast Cancer
What is Fiber and What is its Purpose Besides "Keeping us Regular?" The word "fiber" may bring many thoughts to our minds. Helping us "stay regular" would be the most prominent thought for most of us. This is certainly true; however, fiber plays a much... -
Whole grain consumption and the metabolic syndrome: a favorable association in Tehranian adults.
Generous intake of diets high in whole grains may significantly cut down metabolic syndrome risk. This study evaluated the correlation between whole grain and refined grain intakes and metabolic syndrome risk. Using validated food frequency... -
The Scoop on Poop
For most people, discussing bowel function can be almost as painful as being constipated! Although it is an embarrassing topic for many, most people are concerned whether or not their bowel habits are normal. If you're curious about this topic, you've... -
Increased consumption of fruit and vegetables is related to a reduced risk of coronary heart disease: meta-analysis of cohort studies.
Coronary heart disease is less likely to occur in individuals adhering to diets high in fruits and vegetables. This meta-analysis examined whether high intake of fruits and vegetables reduces coronary heart disease risk. Data extracted from 12... -
Sodium intake and blood pressure in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental and observational studies
Greater intake of foods high in sodium is tied to elevated blood pressures in children and adolescents. This study conducted a meta-analysis on 85 studies that documented the impact of high dietary intake of sodium on blood pressure readings in... -
Legume Consumption and Blood Pressure Control in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension: Cross-Sectional Findings from the TOSCA.IT Study
Generous consumption of legumes may help to sustain blood pressure values within normal range in diabetic and hypertensive patients. This study looked at the effect of eating a high legume diet on blood pressure control in hypertensive and diabetic... -
Ken’s Type-1 Diabetes Journey Part 5: Living With Type-1 Diabetes
As mentioned in “Part 2: Disclaimer”, this is not medical advice. This writing is simply to share what I have learned while managing my own personal Type-1 diabetes. Type-1 diabetes has a very bad reputation, and rightfully so. The diabetic individual... -
Heart Attack Proof Your Holidays
Heart Disease Kills One Out of Every Three People. The statistics are distressing. Heart disease is our nation's leading cause of death for both men and women. Dr. Joel Fuhrman reports, "More than 1.5 million people will have a heart attack this year,... -
Why Eating Legumes May Help Your Heart
Whenever possible, eat a daily serving of legumes, which are an essential component of every heart-healthy diet . (Beans! Beans! Good for your heart!) The legume family of split peas, beans, lentils, and dal is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and...