DrCarney.com Blog

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Nuts and Health: What the Science Really Says

Nuts And Health.

Few foods create as much controversy as nuts.  We often hear that nuts are good sources of many nutrients including fiber, protein and healthy fats.

Nuts are also said to lower our risks for heat disease, diabetes, and stroke and even help to manage our weight. Is that all true, and, if so, how much is enough and how much is too much?

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Should I Eat That: How to Choose the Healthiest Foods

Should I Eat That

How do you decide if your food is healthy or not?

Do you prefer organic, low fat, low carb, low sugar, high protein, soy, vegan or vegetarian? All of these? None of them?

Or are you just attracted to a picture on a box?

Making healthy choices has gotten very confusing, as stores are filled to the brim with foods no one should be eating—often even the food brands which claim to be "healthy."

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Lighten Up: Weighing in on the Weight Debate

Lighten Up

Weighing in on the Weight Debate

Obesity is a worldwide health disaster; it's catching up to tobacco as the top preventable cause of death in the United States.

With almost 70% of Americans overweight and/or obese, Americans are suffering, and confused on how best to lose the weight.

With so much conflicting information out there (High Fat! Low Fat! High Protein! Zones! Blood Types!), it's no wonder people are so baffled.

Which diet is really effective, safe and healthy?

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Forks Over Knives Presents The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue with Rip Esselstyn

The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue

Join Rip Esselstyn, former firefighter and author of the national best-selling The Engine 2 Diet, as he guides the White and Wally families through an Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue.

Watch Rip teach these families how to take control of their health.

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Dr. Fuhrman's Secrets to Healthy Cooking DVD

Secrets To Healthy Cooking

This DVD serves as an introduction to a world of great taste and superior health.

Only through making the world's healthiest foods in your own kitchen can you really experience all the pleasure that the Eat to Live diet-style has to offer.

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From Oil to Nuts: The Essential Facts of Fat Oils

From Oil To Nuts

The Essential Facts of Fat, Oils & Nuts

It seems that every other day some new study comes out with conflicting information about fats, oils, nuts and seeds.

Are you "going nuts" trying to sort the truth from the propaganda? 

Are all fats created equal? Is olive oil a health food? Is the Mediterranean Diet the healthiest diet? What about the French Paradox? Are nuts and seeds good for you?

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Fasting: Safe & Effective Use of an Ancient Healing Therapy DVD

Fasting. Written and Produced by Michael Klaper MD Fasting. Written and Produced by Michael Klaper MD

​Understand the benefits and proper procedures for fasting. Understand who can benefit from fasting, who should not fast, how to prepare for a fast, what to expect during a fast, when and how to take a break from fasting, what to eat after fasting to maintain your health.

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Calorie Density: How to Eat More, Weigh Less and Live Longer DVD

Calorie Density DVD Cover Calorie Density DVD Cover

In this enlightening and humorous talk, Jeff will show you why choosing the wrong kinds of calories is a major contributing factor to the obesity epidemic.

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Digestion Made Easy DVD

Digestion Made Easy DVD Cover Digestion Made Easy DVD Cover

Digestion Made Easy takes you on a journey of understanding through your digestive system to meet the amazing organs that turn your food into YOU!

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